Yoeven D Khemlani


Drag to paint. Click to change color. (Clear Canvas)


React Native
Google Cloud Services

Stayr is a booking platform that uses the hourly booking strategy for hotels and other facilities. Designing and developing the Stayr and Stayr partners app for both ios and android with a NodeJS backend running on Google cloud services.



Articlfy was inspired by http://telegra.ph/ but with the focus on being simple, secure and idiot-proof while not losing out on the functionality of a document editor. Articlfy lets you build a blog, a simple website or an article without needing to ever create an account or using a public blog.

Singapore Airlines (SIA) app


The purpose of the Singapore Airlines (SIA) app is to make the journey of the customer as convenient as possible from the time they arrive at the airport till they land. The app plans out a journey timeline for the user to follow, based on different datasets such as their boarding schedule, crowd management data and previous journeys. With the journey system, the app can provide the right services on your screen, based on your current activity and location. It also provides a higher level of convenience to premium users like providing lounge food selection or digitalising their boarding pass.



Choppie is a simple mobile game that only requires one finger to play. It was built for fun in a coffee shop over 3 days. Making use of assets from a previous project, the objective was to understand the gameplay features that could hook a player using game psychology, by inducing feelings of rush and adrenaline. The objective of the player is to chop wood as accurately as possible while the game gets faster. Accurate hits earn additional time while inaccurate hits lead to time reduction. To develop feelings of hype and adrenaline in players, the focus on aesthetics was key. The game was also kept clean and simple while using microelements such as particles, background movements and vibrations to provide subtle motivational hints of progress to players.

What the Hack!

Threading Systems
Localisation Implementation

What the Hack! is a mobile game designed specifically to train users of all ages to pick up good cyber practices in a fun and engaging way, which would protect themselves in today's digital world. What the Hack! consists of a series of mini-games each with a different challenge. As the game progresses, each mini-game increases in difficulty. In-game currency can be earned to purchase collectables.

Mounter Drive

Node JS

Mounter Drive is a modern WebDav client that gives easy access and file management support to any WebDav supported server. Compared to many other WebDav clients out there, Mounter Drive provides beautiful, simplistic and modern UI, with management features such as background downloads, uploads and basic file operations. Mounter Drive is also open-source, which poses no limitation to any enhancement.

Thai Dance Training Game


The Thai dance training system was built as part of a research study, which allows Thai students to train themselves in the art of Thai dance. Using the Kinect to receive humanoid joint data and comparing it to Motion Capture data of professional Thai dance experts, the system can then provide accurate statistics while displaying their mistakes and improvements in realtime. The system consists of gamification elements to encourage users to play, such as leaderboard systems and achievements.

Low Poly Procedural Trees and Vegetations Project


This project was inspired by games such as No Man's Sky and Minecraft, where the majority of its content focuses on controlled randomness. Similarly, this project can randomly generate thousands of trees and vegetation based on various parameters. To make this possible, I focused on three building factors. First, everything must be low poly, which reduces texturing difficulties. Second, threading gave it the ability to generate meshes concurrently with no performance hit. Lastly, calculation algorithms were processed by the GPU to increase overall performance.

Unbelievable AR

Web Cam

Unbelievable AR is a project to showcase the power of the Kinect in a public, open space utilising Augmented Reality (AR). This project consists of 7 different games that focus on the various elements of AR, and all the fascinating ways it can work with the Kinect. These games consist of real-time interaction between people and the virtual world through old school games reimagined, such as AR Pong.


React Native
Node JS

iShopAt is a Singapore based e-commerce app that allows you to get rebates on purchases you make at physical shops. Just scan the receipt using the in-built camera system and get your rebate. Along with that, the app provides users with the ability to browse through the shop catalogues, and view any current promotion or benefits attached with their credit cards.



Astro is an alien shooter game set in the mysteries of space. Stranded on a planet, you must fight waves of aliens with the help of power-ups while strategising your shots. Astro features interesting spherical physics and puzzle-like gameplay.


React Native
HTML, CSS, Javascript

Snip is a news app that uses an algorithm to summarize news articles from popular news sites and provides it to users in a quick and digestible format.

Clown Blox

An Augmented Reality (AR) mobile game where users use their phones to shoot projectiles at a 3D tower to kill the AI-driven Clowns. The game was built to showcase the power of our Unity-based augmented reality ecosystem we developed. The ecosystem allows for intense game physics to run smoothly in an AR world while providing AR-based customer analytics.

Color Runner

A procedurally generated endless runner mobile game that requires fast fingers to match the colours and get through the walls.


A space shooter game created during a 24-hour game jam in a group of 4. It's an old school retro game to be played by two players on a single keyboard.


Reform is a 3rd person shooter game where the player's objective is to kill zombies. With an endless-wave cycle, each wave gets tougher by increasing the zombie AI complexity. One of my first games created to test out the capabilities of Unity.

Thank you!

“Innovation is seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.”
– Dr. Albert, Szent- Györgyi

Have any questions? Feel free to contact me at yoevenkhem@gmail.com!
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